Dealing with Insurance Companies: Dos and Don’ts

Navigating the complexities of dealing with insurance companies after a personal injury can be challenging. Knowing the dos and don’ts can help you protect your rights and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.




  1. Do Contact Your Insurance Company Promptly:


Report the incident to your insurance company as soon as possible. This is typically a requirement under most insurance policies.


  1. Do Keep Records:


Maintain meticulous records of all communication with insurance adjusters, including the date, time, and content of conversations.


  1. Do Consult an Attorney:


If you have any doubts or concerns about the insurance process, consult with a personal injury attorney. They can provide valuable guidance.


  1. Do Review Your Policy:


Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy, including coverage limits, deductibles, and any exclusions. Knowing your coverage is essential.


  1. Do Document Your Injuries:


Keep detailed records of your injuries, medical treatment, and expenses. Photographs of injuries and medical bills are crucial pieces of evidence.


  1. Do Follow Medical Advice:


Adhere to your doctor’s treatment plan and recommendations. Failing to do so may be used against you by the insurance company.


  1. Do Be Cautious When Providing Statements:


If the other party’s insurance company requests a statement, consult your attorney before providing one. Insurance adjusters may use statements to minimize your claim.




  1. Don’t Admit Fault:


Avoid admitting fault or making statements that could be interpreted as an admission of fault, especially when speaking with the other party’s insurance company.


  1. Don’t Accept the First Offer:


Insurance companies may initially offer a low settlement amount. It’s often in their interest to settle for as little as possible. Consult your attorney before accepting any offer.


  1. Don’t Sign a Release Without Review:


Before signing any release or settlement agreement, have it reviewed by your attorney to ensure it protects your rights.


  1. Don’t Rush the Process:


Personal injury claims can take time to resolve. Rushing into a settlement without considering the full extent of your injuries and losses can result in inadequate compensation.


  1. Don’t Share Too Much on Social Media:


Be cautious about what you post on social media platforms. Insurance adjusters may use your posts against you to dispute the severity of your injuries or the impact on your life.


  1. Don’t Deal with the Other Party’s Insurance Alone:


Avoid direct communication with the other party’s insurance company without legal representation. Their goal is to minimize payouts.


Dealing with insurance companies can be intimidating, but being informed and cautious can help protect your interests. Consulting with a personal injury attorney is often the best course of action to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses.




Insurance Information Institute. (2021). Settling Insurance Claims After an Accident.

American Bar Association. (2021). Dealing with Your Insurance Company.